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Did You Know That Mama D.A. Fasoyin is Also An Actress?


Mama D.A. Fasoyin growing up in her native town Oyo has always been singing and acting with the St Michael’s Anglican Church Choir and Drama Group. The only thing is that she give much of her time to singing than acting.

At 84 years of age and out of Mama D.A. Fasoyin’s ministerial tight schedule, she still made out time to practice her second love which is acting by featuring in some Christian movies where she played a major/support roles.

The latest movie where she featured was titled “Man Overboard” written by Tope Ogundipe and was directed by Austine Awulonu.

The script was about an adulterous Pastor whose ego and pride destroy his family and ministry. The story also revealed the rotting and deceitful life of both the Pastor and his wife who always pretend to the outside world that all is well with them meanwhile, they need serious help.

Mama Fasoyin played the role of the Pastor’s wife mother who tries to constantly counsel her daughter to seek God’s intervention in her marriage but instead of seeking God’s intervention, the daughter  resorted to self-help which eventually backfire.

The unrepentant behavior of the Pastor and refusal to seek help even when was is obvious that he urgently needs one led to the death of both his last daughter and his ministry.

The movie “Man Overboard” is a reflection of what is happening today to some of our Pastors and General Overseer.

So if you say Mama Fasoyin is not only a gospel singer but also an actress, you are 100% correct.